2015-10-22愛之行動Positive Alive !
2015-10-2220151029 ILGA ASIA Side Event: Creative HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for LGBT Youth in Asia 創意談性:亞洲同志青少年愛滋防治與教育
In 2015, ILGA-ASIA has brought together LGBT NGOs around Asia in Taipei. To take the full advantage of this rare opportunity, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association now invites all the LGBT and AIDS NGOs to further engage in experience sharing and networking.
The side event, “Creative HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for LGBT Youth in Asia,” offers the opportunity for activists from each NGO to share their unique and creative approaches for HIV/ AIDS prevention and education, such as promotional or outreach programs for sex education and safe sex, work on recreational drug-use culture and intervention, etc. Participants will learn about youth cultures in different countries and regions as well as creative solutions or initiatives in response to such circumstance. We aim to facilitate a better understanding between NGOs for opportunities of engagement and resource referral in the future. The side event is very casual and provided with nice foods and drinks. Feel free to join us and have a nice chat with other participants!
Time: 10/29 Thursday 19:00-21:00
Venue: Room 328, Chientan Overseas Youth Activity Center
Agenda (actual time subject to change, depending on the number of speakers)
19:00 – 20:30 NGO Introduction and Presentation on HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for LGBT Youth
20:30 – 21:00 Networking Reception
To Presenters:
- Presenters may introduce their project with or without slides.
- Presenters are assigned ten minutes each. Actual duration is subject to change depending on the actual number of presenters.
- You can give an introduction to the organization and the youth community you work with. Speakers can only choose “one” case of HIV/AIDS prevention & education for LGBT youth for your talk.
- Presentations in Mandarin or English are both welcome. Interpreting service will be available.
To All Participants:
- Please have your organization or program information sheets ready for exchange and distribution purpose.
To attend, please provide following information: https://goo.gl/4SvH28
Advisor: Department of Health, Taipei City Government
Host: Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
Co-host: Taipei City Hospital, Kunming Prevention and Control Center
19:00 – 20:30 NGO簡介與介紹該機構之同志青少年愛滋防治與教育的介入方案
20:30 – 21:00 茶會與自由交流
- 口頭介紹,投影片檔案非必須。
- 報告時間約10分鐘,實際時間依發表人數調整。
- 報告內容可包含機構簡介、服務青少年同志社群簡介,報告者僅可選擇「一個」青少年愛滋防治與教育方案做報告使用。
- 可中文或英文報告,現場搭配中英口譯人員。
- 請準備機構或活動宣傳單張,供彼此交換或自由索取。